What’s on my mind?

Hmmm…so much going on lately – raising a baby, learning tunes for auditions, working, trying to sell gear in order to afford new gear, wondering how I can afford a holiday and where to go and finally pondering what it is I want from my life….again.

Plenty else going on recently. Turned 30 and got to spend the evening in the presence of 2 great bass players – the awe-inspiring Victor Wooten and Australia’s own Mark Peric. Victor was out here plugging Mono gig bags – a product that I whole-heartedly endorse and am currently sporting their double and single gig bags as well as their Producer bag. They also do drum gear, so for you drummers out there take a look as well. If you like anything the guys at Thump Music and send Jon an order. For you guitarists and bass players he also stock R.Cocco string, which are great!! Not to mention all the other cool gear he stocks!

Victor is a monster and well known for his solo chops (for which he is an inspiration to many around the world), but in my eyes more than that is the fact that he plays what he needs to play, when it needs it. Take his work with the Flecktones. A lot of that gig is playing the role of a traditional bassist, and he does as well as any I have seen.

So – aside from turning 30, my gorgeous daughter is almost 6 months old. She is turning more and more into a little person everyday. Smiling, giggling, eating, spewing shitting!! All of it and more. Nothing even compares to the feeling I get when she smiles at me in the morning, and again when I get home from work and every other second in the day. I love watching her sleep, ever so peacefully. But the time has gone so fast and I can’t believe that in 2 weeks she will be 6 months old!! I will turn around and she will soon be a young woman about to start her life without me and I will wonder what happened to the last 18 years!! :p

I have also been looking at finding a new band. Had a great audition last night with a guy, so fingers crossed he asks me back. He has some rockin’ tunes and seems to have his head on and knows where he wants to take. He is passionate about his music, and I love the tunes, so I cross everything and hope to hear from him on the weekend.

Tossing up taking a trip somewhere. Options are Perth, Brisbane and Japan. Benefits of Perth are I can get in some sunshine, and catch up with Jon at Thump and try out a bunch of gear, relax for a week and enjoy some quiet time. Brisbane I get to catch up with some great friends, get some sunshine, and probably way too much drinking!! And well, Japan speaks for itself. I have never been, and always wanted to. If only it wasn’t so expensive once you get there!!

Anyway, it is Grand Final week down here in Melbourne and the city has gone football mad!! I think I might just give it all a miss this year, but hope that the Saints get up for the first time in a very long time!!

Will start trying to post somethings more relevant to the world more often. I have lost my touch lately and the words just aren’t flowing so well. Gotta hit this up when things are fresh in my mind.

Later skaters!!


So – I just wrote a 600 word post and then it was GAWN!!!

Puts me in as good of a mood a when I stood in line at the Coles Cairnlea deli for 5 minutes waiting for a staff member to appear!